Sad Poems of Love and Life

Heartbreak is one of the hardest things we go through in life. Sad poems about love and life are expressing the deep pain of losing someone you love the most. These poems capture the hurt and sadness we feel when love turns into the heartache. Writing or reading these poems can help us let out the deepest emotions we find hard to say.

Sometimes, sad love poems bring back good memories of the past. They speak about missed chances, words we could not say, and the dreams that are now lost. When love fades, life can feel confusing and painful, but these poems always remind us that other have felt the same way. Through the poems about broken hearts, we find a way to understand our feelings and start to heal. They express that it is okay to feel sad and, we can find peace and move forward in life.

Sad Poems

sad poems

The tulips are too excitable, it is winter here.
Look how white everything is, how quiet, how snowed-in.
I am learning peacefulness, lying by myself quietly
As the light lies on these white walls, this bed, these hands.
I am nobody; I have nothing to do with explosions.
I have given my name and my day-clothes up to the nurses
And my history to the anesthetist and my body to surgeons.

They have propped my head between the pillow and the sheet-cuff
Like an eye between two white lids that will not shut.
Stupid pupil, it has to take everything in.
The nurses pass and pass, they are no trouble,
They pass the way gulls pass inland in their white caps,
Doing things with their hands, one just the same as another,
So it is impossible to tell how many there are.

My body is a pebble to them, they tend it as water
Tends to the pebbles it must run over, smoothing them gently.
They bring me numbness in their bright needles, they bring me sleep.
Now I have lost myself I am sick of baggage——
My patent leather overnight case like a black pillbox,
My husband and child smiling out of the family photo;
Their smiles catch onto my skin, little smiling hooks.

My body is a pebble to them, they tend it as water
Tends to the pebbles it must run over, smoothing them gently.
They bring me numbness in their bright needles, they bring me sleep.
Now I have lost myself I am sick of baggage——
My patent leather overnight case like a black pillbox,
My husband and child smiling out of the family photo;
Their smiles catch onto my skin, little smiling hooks." style="margin-left: 20px;">Copy

The flower that smiles to-day

To-morrow dies;
All that we wish to stay
Tempts and then flies.
What is this world’s delight?
Lightning that mocks the night,
Brief even as bright.

Virtue, how frail it is!
Friendship how rare!
Love, how it sells poor bliss
For proud despair!
But we, though soon they fall,
Survive their joy, and all
Which ours we call.

Whilst skies are blue and bright,
Whilst flowers are gay,
Whilst eyes that change ere night
Make glad the day;
Whilst yet the calm hours creep,
Dream thou—and from thy sleep
Then wake to weep

We wear the mask that grins and lies,

It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask! 

“Son,” said my mother,
When I was knee-high,
“you’ve need of clothes to cover you,
and not a rag have I.

“There’s nothing in the house
To make a boy breeches,
Nor shears to cut a cloth with,
Nor thread to take stitches.

“There’s nothing in the house
But a loaf-end of rye,
And a harp with a woman’s head
Nobody will buy,”
And she began to cry.

That was in the early fall.
When came the late fall,
“Son,” she said, “the sight of you
Makes your mother’s blood crawl.

Each night, this adroit young lady
Lies among sheets
Shredded fine as snowflakes
Until dream takes her body
From bed to strict tryouts
In tightrope acrobatics.
Nightly she balances
Cat-clever on perilous wire
In a gigantic hall,
Footing her delicate dances
To whipcrack and roar
Which speak her maestro’s will.
Gilded, coming correct
Across that sultry air,
She steps, halts, hung
In dead center of her act
As great weights drop all about her
And commence to swing.  

ये भी पढ़े: Sad Broken Heart Shayari in Hindi

Sad Poems About Love

short love poems for her

I’m sure that you cry there like I cry for you…
You miss me like I miss you…
You need me like I need you…
You want to talk to me like I need to talk to you…
Your heart beat for me like my heart beat for you…
Then why this unwanted distance darling…
It’s frustrating, and I don’t want to live this shit life…
I am heartbroken and grieving…
Come and take me with you, Honey…
All I want is sleep and wake up next to you
I’m not the perfect person…
I know that I make a lot of mistakes…
But, I’m sure I truly love you…
My heart eagerly needs you…
It’s really hard to replace another one in your place,
And my heart won’t accept anyone else…
My heart is in despair…
I will do anything for your everything…
Please don’t avoid me darling…
It’s killing me little by little
Your charming smile unlocks the door of my heart…
Your gentle touch opens the window of my soul..
But where are your charming smile and gentle touch now baby??
Believe me, I miss you a lot..
I sat alone and thinking of you…
Nothing, but you, I need…
My heart, my eyes all bleed..
Waiting for you..
I am recalling the smile I had with you
And remembering those wishful days
When you were with me
When you used to be that close
And kiss me on my cheek
The way you used to enclose
All the dreams and some reality
I don’t trust you anymore
I don’t trust your love
It is all over for me,
There is nothing left to see!
It all seems bleak to me.
Just saying your name makes me realize
how much meaning you add to my life.
I watch your actions every day
and long to hold and kiss you when I’m awake,
but reality dawns a rainy day,
a world of fantasy and dismay.

In my dreams I make you mine.
I hold you ’til the end of time,
but when I awake to find that you’re not there,
my world is full of sorrow and despair,
and reality, like a rushing wind, destroys my hope,
my everything.

ये भी पढ़े: Latest Emotional Shayari in Hindi

Sad Poems About Life

20 love poems and a song of despair

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the moldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall.
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.

My cot was down by a cypress grove,
And I sat by my window the whole night long,
And heard well up from the deep dark wood
A mocking-bird’s passionate song.

And I thought of myself so sad and lone,
And my life’s cold winter that knew no spring;
Of my mind so weary and sick and wild,
Of my heart too sad to sing.

Away, sad voices, telling
Of old, forgotten pain!
My heart, at grief rebelling,
To joy returns again.
My life, at tears protesting,
To long delight returns,
Where, close of all my questing,
Her dear eyes love discerns.
The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of Night,
As a feather is wafted downward
From an eagle in his flight.

I see the lights of the village
Gleam through the rain and the mist,
And a feeling of sadness comes o’er me
That my soul cannot resist:

A feeling of sadness and longing,
That is not akin to pain,
And resembles sorrow only
As the mist resembles the rain.

Come, read to me some poem,
Some simple and heartfelt lay,
That shall soothe this restless feeling,
And banish the thoughts of day.

It’s not because my soul is filled
With love, or joy, or praise,
Or, that with sentiment ’tis thrilled,
That tuneful song I raise:
It’s not that Fortune’s hand has dealt
To me more than my share:
It does not mean that I’ve not felt
The blight of want and care;
It simply means, I do not want
My friends to share the sting
That in my heart is buried,
So I try to smile and sing.
I trip about from room to room
Light as a bird on wing,
And sing and shout and laugh—but still
I’m saddest when I sing.

ये भी पढ़े: 2 Line Sad Shayari in Hindi

Poem of Sad Love

love after lockup season 5 poem

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone,
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air,
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.

Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go.
They want full measure of all your pleasure,
But they do not need your woe.
Be glad, and your friends are many;
Be sad, and you lose them all,—
There are none to decline your nectar’d wine,
But alone you must drink life’s gall.

Feast, and your halls are crowded
Fast, and the world goes by.
Succeed and give, and it helps you live,
But no man can help you die.
There is room in the halls of pleasure
For a large and lordly train,
But one by one we must all file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain.

The saddest hour of anguish and of loss
Is not that season of supreme despair
When we can find no least light anywhere
To gild the dread, black shadow of the Cross.
Not in that luxury of sorrow when
We sup on salt of tears, and drink the gall
Of memories of days beyond recall—
Of lost delights that cannot come again.

But when, with eyes that are no longer wet,
We look out on the great, wide world of men,
And, smiling, lean toward a bright tomorrow,
Then backward shrink, with sudden keen regret,
To find that we are learning to forget:
Ah! then we face the saddest hour of sorrow.

Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.

Oh, well for the fisherman’s boy,
That he shouts with his sister at play!
Oh, well for the sailor lad,
That he sings in his boat on the bay!

And the stately ships go on
To their haven under the hill;
But oh for the touch of a vanished hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still!

Break, break, break,
At the foot of thy crags, O sea!
But the tender grace of a day that is dead
Will never come back to me.

Oft in the stilly night
Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Fond memory brings the light
Of other days around me:
The smiles, the tears
Of boyhood’s years,
The words of love then spoken;
The eyes that shone,
Now dimmed and gone,
The cheerful hearts now broken!
Thus in the stilly night
Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Sad memory brings the light
Of other days around me.

When I remember all
The friends so linked together
I’ve seen around me fall
Like leaves in wintry weather,
I feel like one
Who treads alone
Some banquet hall deserted,
Whose lights are fled
Whose garlands dead,
And all but he departed.
Thus in the stilly night
Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Sad memory brings the light
Of other days around me.

ये भी पढ़े: Love English Shayari

Broken Heart Sad Poems

broken heart sad poems

You made me feel lonely
What you did was very ugly
I loved you and you cheated on me
In fact, you BETRAYED me
Because of you, did I go into depression
Very very wrong, were your actions
Thanks to them, greatly did I suffer
For me, not even one bit did you care!

You made me feel lonely
I thought you were lovely
How cruelly did you prove me wrong
My suffering was quite long
You drove a wedge into my heart
And tore it apart!!

Remember how I looked to you,
To tell me I’m not mad?
However, I was not in view,
The best you’d never had.
I walk, your kisses on my lips,
I walk with your words, forward,
Fate declines the power trips,
And love is untoward –
I can’t find you in every glass,
I can’t see you in that window,
In every chance that never’d pass,
For I cannot be their widow
Like I’m yours.
Like I’m yours.
Like, I’m yours.
Like. I’m yours.
I’ve said some bold words in my time –
Made tragedies of pantomime.
I’ve kissed some morons in my day –
Too young I thought I’ll lose the hay.

I lived as the greatest lover
(Or the most pathetic, rather) –
Mad walks in the rain and letters
Oft took judgement from my betters,

Let’s add to the pile morn roses,
Bookshop rushes ere it closes,
Philosophy and late night talks,
And still more mad, but sunny, walks,

Journeys on the train to Glasgow,
Two tickets to Panic!’s last show,
Bekhôled reading Thomas Hardy,
Sapphires costing a fair farthing,

You’re not the last to hurt her, man,
She wishes she could say you were,
She’s glad to say you won’t be. Shan,
Is’t not? But you’ll deny as per, as per.

She was a thorn within your side,
A feather to get off your chest,
You let it go, you let it bide,
You cursed her, wished her all the best.

You’re not the last to hurt her, man –
Her husband has that honour –
Hug her best verse as best you can,
And never say you won her.

You broke my heart
And threw it in a pile of dirt
I have no enemies
However, worse are you, than an enemy
Because, betrayal leaves scars
Which are even bigger than cars
And take as much time to heal
As it does, to complete a CA course
Which is of course, a huge deal!

You broke my heart
And caused me a lot of hurt
Truly did I care for you, you know
Thus, was it a massive blow
When we came to know the truth
Which destroyed the earth
On which my love was built
Since, loyal was I, to a fault

ये भी पढ़े: Sad Bharosa Shayari

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